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Slum Upgrading and Landscape of the Urban City Problems In The Concept of Genealogy Approach Public Philosophy

The construction that found in all countries in the world are influence from sexual sense, it is not a peculiar property of the third world but it has been wroten of the Philosophy about landscape and developing country for many years. Kaufmann ( 2005, p. 5) has defined is Legal Corruption as arising when the elite prefers to hide corruption from the population (what we will call ahead as investments in "legal barriers"). So we called corruption is the natural genealogy of the group, community, people until state. As like as we seem building can different seeing between man and women. More ones want to garage others landscape outside in his home.We specifically model of this as a decision of the elite reduce of analysis population remote public service or urban culture situation used more decision making have been laid after who had minimized population to undercover public issues, which can be interpreted as undermining collective action. This entails a cost for the elite decadence. Fortuitously a red tape may be seen as a good example to device implementing for developer obscured allocations from the population. In moral and legal (Italo Pardo: 2004, p.54) Legal Corruption is characterized by the betrayal of such trust, economics and politics fields to transfer public powers to the private sector especially are building and property. You can see, more projects to road repairs is every years. Indonesia, especially Jakarta always raining and that developer came and given projects from government with easier corruption from public beneficiary.

The details of what constitutes corruption have vary between distance in one place and one culture it has be deemed as unfair attempts to win favor in others. But culture it self can be manipulate and mobilizing likes the corrupt to legitimate in the practices, for example by label as traditional condition in urban social crisis. Philosophy of development make the people in the landscape is not happen nevertheless conduct the government that rejected the own philosophy.

Slum upgrading has a number of effects from corruption in the country, first. Political legitimacy and stability may be threatened. People may become morally and mentally alienated by corruption behavior. Alternatively, there may be resentment by those excluded from receiving the benefit resulted to building whose getting from corruption. In both cases political opposition may be mobilized to destabilize or overthrow the regime, secondly. Legal philosophy, there is a  negative effect on interpretative as the public is subsumed by the individual bureaucrat`s pursuit of, there is an opposing view which believes that if the prevailing system is bad, then corruption may be goal. It makes decision making predictable, given motivation to underpaid workers and enables  slum cleared group which called darkness so impact to public opinion. The paradigm has too risk from romantic resurgence philosophy of architects relevance of capitalism and positivism approach, thus avoiding violence before political power was legal under estimate but such a view overlooks the millions of dollars diverse from  investment `conglomerate-man` had be cooperating with government often grows public building without seen the people surrounding, the corruption always are monopoly and must incorporate a clear understanding of its causes these can broadly classified as follows:

1.The Cultural factors, in the legal philosophy where primary loyalties have provide than the other people with lower social levels as kinship and ethnicity there may be pressure on officials to look after their own man group`s will be above all else. Also proactive from traditional society such as made principle and conduct may be carried from basic to contemporary context even tough official norm stress impersonal values in line with the Weberian ideal-type the construction of the right. The Acknowledge is landscape of capacity that needs held disable function that culture corrupt, culture western, modernism so create culture adoption in everywhere.

2. Lows economic factors, the popular words of a rich, because the principle is a lot of conducted everything must buy and seller by the rich- man or up level of people.The beautiful house and environment can buy with money and opportunity, another one could happen when they are support by money. Economics are ultimate factor as long as developing in this country never be growing. In spite of more building have developed because of consume to public own self.

3. Socio legal factors, Legal Behavioral, Legal community is based on the nature of man too, the physical condition of man as well as in the nature of legal behavior. All images of man are emphasizing the rational side of man, but the women has not rational or emotional to decision often. The general dissatisfaction with the modern architecture and city planning whom rational (more from male perspective) destruction poor housing and open widest market, real estate and public building that exiting urban city program.

4. And the last, Slum factors. Slum is constructions of the imagination, a stereotype that was fashioned than human right. Slum in this decade especially twentieth century are social entertainers by bourgeois and social reformer to record they have insisted of environment reality surround their living be clear and beautiful. Historian has perpetuated this slum myth dramatic caricature (Rumiko, 1: 2011), that remain embedded in document record.

In fact, construction of city has not dependent on corruption effects but also from internal aspects for example landscape architecture, genealogy and archeology of the lands. In genealogy work (Foucault, 216) claims, does not criticize a discourse for its lack of scientific grounding, its class distortions, or its self-professed in securities. Instead its truth and knowledge are rooted in its historical contexts. They are the manner in which a society searches to order and discipline own self.  According to Foucault, genealogy can be relationships among a set of distinct elements such as professional discourses, governmental institutions, administrative procedures, regulatory laws, legal concepts, architectural design and plan, scientific statement and moral proclamations.

The urban culture until now, problems surrounding to doing capital city and economic have been discussed, getting connected in region policy so material characteristic has been not related because of the crisis to rural culture the city into urban city is a capitalism. Many illustrations, in America or England Oak wood are good material to home building created. Indonesian make a hardwood tree, coconut palm, or bamboo could be raised the prices and did not buying from domains or authority during the people have not been permitted held to the house whereas in facts, the hardwood is established to tropics climate and situation that earth quake. Some people rich have get this material because JATI or hard wood is very expensive. According to the genealogy bamboo or hardwood is more history remembering in the country, its house made with wood generally or had concrete was different concept sexual of the architects. Bamboo is created women culture whose did so weakness, it is not solid and can solid if the bamboo must fill in one line. Bamboo has need the hard wood to central foundation (SOKO) and stable or triangular square (KUDA-KUDA). KUDA is horse, the symbol of straight material or man culture.

In the last background there are family history at problems sexual understanding, I was trying to understand the Batavia culture where it build trader development until the TARUMANEGARA (5 - 6 M)from the sites a SUNDA KELAPA (KELAPA is coconut palm) harbor, its development that physical the city now call of BATAVIA (from Netherlands language), after now people called Jakarta (from word JAYAKARTA), Indonesia.  Sexual express to desire from society trough mechanisms of law, religion, politics, philosophy, right, until love and fertility, factors sexual rather had the building in the country would growing. Sexual and modernity is made relation where sexuality had been primarily understood as natural genealogy in the constitution. According to Karl Mark, Sexuality primarily in term of Biologist within the domain from family or private discussed, but Malinowski (1929) had written on the sex lives of civilized westerners as phenomena would be leap of consequences in spite of private the sexual after that opposition form part at the public review between the culture and sexual determination. So Sexual to understanding too became language, though and held of modernity. The background problem in the research is why the perception of urban landscape has influence of family history philosophy in the most country. Culture, perception and corruption can change some one that a home, example the most years ago people never make of home but because of sexual needs an house was building in everywhere to private orientation.

Plato, reading of the metaphor that structure philosophical texts an exclusion of from of production of philosophy had derived inspiration, both a partial and rational, so far in practical term Philosophy of the Law of space is seemingly at antagonistic position, and in rational term in attack on Philosophy about truthfully when this is a logical impossibly. In Plato world of true is not subject who speaks. It is the receptacle of speech, possibility, though is not articulation enough.

In ethics of genealogy(Michael Foucault 1926-1984) can be discussion about history in philosophy. He maintains that modern ethical thought attempt to derive moral and obligation from modern of mankind  as here conceived, however, politics including its, will conform exactly to dreams of the ideal on the rules. The law of logic are not the laws of politics or ethics. The persistently occurring ways in which humans conceive and perceive including sexual, desire, art and beauty, It is pure of thinking in the human ideas can be developed beyond the true that practice can attain. Do they guide us toward what ideally should occur? In ethics human being can respects to law which can be created. Jürgen HABERMAS in the theory genealogy has get and clear on the depth problem of power in the modern reality (Colin K, 225:2013) he was sketching normative criteria, reconstruction can take forward – facing form at specified by pragmatism or anthropologist. Mac Carty `s argument that critical theory and genealogy together avoid shared transformation about idea cum radicalization to critic paradigm of Kantian approach.     

Furthermore I am interest to read about Ruth Leys (279:2000) concept in genealogy, according to him the concept of genealogy is accident because of defined in term of contingency, unpredictability, unsettling, or expectation or meanings. It is central crisis in history and post traumatic century. The theory whose remembering for me about track for the research of deconstruction in post modernism from Derrida, which made sense are intrinsically limited to reflection of the accomplished, the constituted, the constructed  (Norris,51:1982)

Income is deemed to be coherent measure of economic status it is largely an ambiguous indicator when it comes to measuring the economic status of those living in people as Indonesia. People living in culture society are often unable to ascertain exactly, modern, consumptive, how often do they spend on money day by day, mount or years. In view of this fact, I measure economic status on the basis of corruption are presence of a variety of household consumption item. Nevertheless I seem desire of sexual and management to construction the landscape should be come after lowest cost calculate reacts to the covers so minimal. Many men although willing to acquire homes, were afraid to do, and lest they should be ruined investment later, if  he has choose a something among home stay, kitchen and wide lawn or in apartment, stable, laundry and public garage were built next door, they will convert to choose them (M. Christine Boyer,148:1986).

Why the building efforts depending from economics status? Because as long as he has been built residences, many factories desire could be good income bearing, an investment, so social status had cover from the building. Profitable of house as look from double function of residences were are `RUKO` in Jakarta called RUMAH TOKO or official`s home. The phenomena triple function like this so PERDA Jakarta No. 7- 1999 (Regional of Regulation and Administration/RAA) about promised of construction, it has reject to small economic of development as same as looking for RAA No.1068-1997 or No. 2003- 1977. Many protests from people and middle business to government because of the urban city likes Jakarta has been built before economic reference and the tax were come from official`s house most profitable to the Government so it is ambiguous to implemented in the rules.

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